Customers Can Now Receive NEM Credit for Discharged Batteries

Customers Can Now Receive Net Energy Metering (NEM) Credit for Energy Discharged from Batteries onto Their Solar Grid 

The recently finalized decision comes from the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), that if a battery is charged entirely from solar you can discharge that battery whenever you like and still get NEM credits for any energy you put on the grid. This is a huge victory in solar and will pave the way for cost-effective battery solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Energy storage systems are still relatively expensive and can be challenging to achieve a reasonable return on investment. Many systems are already operating as solar-only charging or solar self-consumption which qualifies for the Investment Tax Credit (ITC), avoids interconnection problems, and maximizes customer savings.

Equipment certified under the new standard, named, the UL Power Control Systems Certification Requirements Decision, will qualify for these benefits. Cost-effective batteries will provide means for better demand management and the ability to sell back renewable generated energy at peak rates.

Please contact us for more information to learn if you qualify and how renewable energy can save you money.


Control Your Future - 30% Tax Credit Safe Harbor


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