Summer is Here. Are Your Utility Bills Soaring?
If you’re a farmer or processor, you’re likely feeling the pain of your April and May PG&E invoices. Not only are you running full irrigation cycles or fans on your dairy, there’s the added sting of March’s 10% rate hike. And, of course, it’s hot as pistol outside so your shop’s air-conditioning is probably working overtime!
If you’re looking to gain more control over your finances and predictability in your utility bills, now is the time to explore solar opportunities. In fact, solar energy can even help you avoid PG&E rate increases like the 10% hike slated for next year!
Immediate Benefits
Many people think they have to wait years to start seeing the financial benefits of solar. Not true! We’re currently finalizing our fourth quarter post-harvest installation schedule for 2020, so you could be interconnected and running by the end of the year.
That’s extremely important because it’s not too late to for you to secure the current Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) of 26%. As long as you make a deposit this calendar year, you’ll be able to safe harbor this credit. And remember: the ITC is set to drop to 22% in 2021 and 10% in 2022, where it will remain indefinitely.
Managing Installation During Harvest
Our team has years of experience installing solar systems during harvest. Our construction teams know how to stay out of the way! We’ll co-manage the project with a member of your team, routing approvals to you on an organized schedule and minimizing disruption during this crucial season. Our team also works closely with PG&E to prioritize our ag installations, making the entire process as pain-free as possible.
Already Have Solar? Keep Things Clean!
Now is the time to keep your solar panels clean and free of dust. The cleaner they are, the more of an impact your panels will have on your utility bills. Manage weeds, as well, making sure they don’t obscure your panels.
Whether you’re thinking about solar or you already have your system installed, remember: Each time there’s a rate hike, you’re literally putting money back in the bank!